Industry 5.0 vs. Industry 4.0: Is the future already the present?

Welcome to the future! Or is it already here? Industry 4.0 has been on everyone's lips for a while now, but are we truly experiencing it? Advancements in technology are moving at an unprecedented pace, and it's hard to keep up with all the changes. From smart factories and autonomous robots to intelligent machines and integrated ecosystems, Industry 4.0 has brought a new era of possibilities. 

While Industry 4.0 has already transformed the way we live and work, Industry 5.0 promises to take us to the next level of human-machine collaboration and innovation.

The next industrial revolution

Are you ready for the next industrial revolution? Because it's here, and it's shaking things up! 

The differences between Industry 4.0 and 5.0 may not be immediately obvious to many. However, it's time to start exploring and understanding the impact they will have on our future.

The human-centric revolution

Industry 5.0 isn't just about new technology, it's about addressing the big issues facing our world today - global climate change, endangered biodiversity, resource scarcity, or even a global pandemic and recent conflicts. It places the human element at the center, where manufacturing technologies are designed to be more human-centric and sustainable for the environment. The industry is moving again. It's going from a technology-centered and growth-oriented paradigm to one that considers the environmental and societal impact of economic activities.

As the European Commission (1) states, "Industries can play an active role in providing solutions to challenges for society, including the preservation of resources, climate change, and social stability. The Industry of the Future approach brings benefits for industry, for workers, and society."

So, it's time to question what we know and think about what's next.

Join the revolution

At Körber Business Area Digital, we're at the forefront of this movement. We strongly believe that Industry 5.0 is about prioritizing the use of artificial intelligence and shifting from a "software first" approach to an "AI first" approach, with people and the planet always top of mind.

By developing AI software and integrating it with industrial equipment for Pharma, Tissue, and Supply Chain, we envision reducing waste, increasing quality, ensuring product safety, and reducing downtime to market.

Our portfolio of SaaS companies is living proof that AI is making a difference for manufacturing: vaibe, which increases the work performance with gamification, InspectifAI, which improves visual inspection for Pharma and helps reduce waste, and FactoryPal, which makes shop floor operations a breeze while improving productivity for a more sustainable production performance.

But this isn't just about digital transformation or transition. It's about investing in ethical and smart technologies that empower people. The growing awareness of the environmental impact of traditional manufacturing practices and the increasing demand for socially responsible and eco-friendly products are driving this shift.

Governments and companies around the world are already taking steps towards a more sustainable, ethical, and human-centric approach to manufacturing.

So, are you ready to join the revolution? Follow our blog "AI to Go" and Körber Digital on LinkedIn to stay up to date on the latest industry trends and be a part of the change.


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